Monday, April 28

The C Programming Language

 A course on C Programming : Programming Made Simple & Sweet

C is one of the widely used computer programming language. Though it was developed during 1970's C is still one of the most popular programming language. The main reason for acceptability is, C is very flexible. Moreover, Unix OS and embedded programming is largely based on C.

All credits and due regards  to Dennis Ritchie, for coming up with such a wonderful Programming Language.

1. The C Language:An Introduction

1.1 Features

  •  Currently, the most commonly-used language for embedded systems
  • High-level assembly

  • Very portable: compilers exist for virtually every processor

  • Easy-to-understand compilation

  •  Produces efficient code

  •  Fairly concise

1.2 C History

  • Developed between 1969 and 1973 along with Unix

  • Due mostly to Dennis Ritchie

  •   Designed for systems programming

¨     Operating systems
¨     Utility programs
¨     Compilers
¨     Filters

  •   Evolved from B, which evolved from BCPL

1.3 Pieces of C

 The following are the essential ingredients in a C program.

 Types and Variables
¨     Definitions of data in memory

¨     Arithmetic, logical, and assignment operators in an infix notation

¨     Sequences of conditional, iteration, and branching instructions
¨     Groups of statements and variables invoked recursively

1.4 Operators in C

Ø       Arithmetic Operators
            + ,  - ,  *,   /  ,  %

Ø       Logical Operators
            && ,   ||  ,  !

Ø       Relational Operators
            <, < = , >, > = , = = , ! =

Ø       Unary Operators                   k = 3
            ++ , - -                                     l = k++     now, l =3 , k = 4.

Ø       Conditional Operators
            ? :
            exp1? exp2: exp3

Ø      Comma operators

            used to link related expressions together

            sum = ( x = 3 , y = 1 , x + y );               Ans: 4

Ø        sizeof Operators

            returns the number of bytes the operand occupies.

            Ex:  sizeof( sum )
                   sizeof (long int)

1.5 Data types

            1.  Primary/ fundamental data type
            2.  User defined data type
            3.  Derived data types

1.5.1 Primary/ fundamental data type

            There are 5 of them -  integer, character, floating point, double and void.

            Integer  -> short int, int , long int (in both signed and unsigned form.)

            Float(32 bits),  double(64 bits),  long double(80 bits).

Example variable  declaration:

         int a;
         int b;
        int x, y;
       float t;
       float p, q;

1.5.2 User defined data type

       i)  typedef      used to declare variables that would represent an existing variable.

       Ex:   typedef  int value;
               value v1, v2;

      ii) Enumurated data types
            to declare variable that can have one of the values enclosed within the braces.

            Ex:         enum car  {  ac, nonac };
                         car   zen, santro, spark ;         
 Thus, each variable here could be assigned any one of the constants from ac nonac. the enumeration constants will automatically represent integer values as: ac  0  and  nonac   1.

1.5.3 A Simple Program in C

Here is our first program. This will display the message ' Hello How are You' on the screen.

#include <stdio.h>
void main()
  printf(“Hello How are You\n”);

Fig.1 below marks the important elements in the program.


Write a program to print your residential address?

Visit the Pages listed on right side for more. 
No parts from this site shall be copied or reproduced without prior permission.
All questions or doubts in C may posted as comments for answering.


  1. Try to Solve:
    Write a program using a loop in C to generate the following output in separate line.
    CAP# 1,HAT# 2,CAP# 3,HAT# 4,CAP# 5,HAT# 6,CAP# 7,HAT# 8,CAP# 9,HAT# 10

  2. Q.n2:
    Write a program to find the sum of two matrices sized mxn and pxq?. (May use zero filling to make the matrices equal sized.)
