A Quick Summary

A glance on the important concepts in C Programming follows.

I. What are Functions?

·         - is a group of statements that accepts zero or more argument values as input and produces a result value.
·         Every function definition has the form:
        return-type function-name (parameter declarations)
        definitions and statements;
·         Uses / Adv of functions:
-          reduce the complexity of the program
-          reuse the functions
-          error corrections are easier
-          reduce the length of the program

II. Calling Functions: Call by Value and Call by Reference ?

-          in call by value, the values are passed to the called function by the calling function.
-          in call by reference, the memory address of values are passed to the called function by the calling function.

III. Built-in functions VS user defined functions?

            Ex of built-in functions: - sqrt( ), strlen( ), …..
            Ex of user defined functions: - largest( ), myaddress( )….
                        - User defined functions are those written by auser in his program

VI. Formal arguments VS actual arguments?

·         When call by value function call is used, the values are passed to another set of variable declared in the called function. Now,  the variables passed in the calling functions is the actual arguments and the variables of called function is the Formal arguments.

V. Preprocessor directives?

-          these are the statements that are executed before the program execution. Or, they are the statements executed during the compilation time.
-          Ex: #include<stdio.h>
      #define n 25

VI. Header files?

            supports the built-in functions used by a programmer
            Ex: stdio.h, math.h ….

VII. What are loop statements?

            - used for repeatedly executing a set of statements a particular number of times.
            - 3 types of loops:
                                    1. for loop
                                    2. while loop
                                    3. do – while loop

Ex: loop for repeating 25 times:

for loop
while loop
do – while loop

for( i=0; i<25; i++)
while( i<25)
} while( i< 25);

Loop  repeats as long the given condition, (i < 25), is TRUE
Loop  repeats as long the given condition, (i < 25), is TRUE
Loop  repeats as least once even if the condition (i < 25) is FALSE

VIII. Explain getch( ) function?

-          is an input function for accepting a character
-          Ex:
      main() {
      char k;
      printf(“ The character you just entered is %c”, k );

IX. What are Pointers?

            Syntax:  dataType  *pointername;

            Ex:       int *p;   // declares p as a pointer variable that points to integer data type. 

                  main( )
int q = 55;
int *S;
S = &q;
printf(“ The value in q is %c”, q );   // using directly the variable name q.
printf(“ The value in q is %c”, *S ); //accessing the value using the pointer *S.

x. Compare Structures VS Unions?

struct  <structureName>  {
member type 1;
member type 2;
union  <unionName>  {
member type 1;
member type 2;
- Can Store all its members’ value at a time.
- hence allocates space for all member variables
Can Stores ONLY ONE member value at a time.
- hence allocates space for ONLY largest member variable.

***** GOOD LUCK *****

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