3. Functions in C
Functions are a very useful technique in very programming language. Functions are a part of a program, but coded as a separate segment. Hence they are otherwise known as subroutines.
- Modules in C
C standard library has a wide
variety of functions
Ex: x = pow(4,2) ?
- Programs combine user-defined functions with library functions
Functions, in short modularize a program
3.1 Benefits of functions
- Divide and conquer
- Software reusability
Use existing functions as
building blocks for new programs
Abstraction - hide internal
details (library functions)
- Avoid code repetition
3.2 More on Functions
A fragment of code that accepts
zero or more argument values, produces a result value, and
has zero or more side effects.
A method of grouping a subset
of a program
To hide details
To be invoked from multiple places
To share with others
Format for calling functions
FunctionName( argument
Ex: sqrt( 9 )
If multiple arguments, use
comma-separated list
3.3 Function definition format
The syntax for defining a function is:
function-name( parameter-list )
declarations and statements
declarations and statements
It must noted here that,
Function-name: any valid
Return-value-type: data type of
the result (default int)
void – indicates that the
function returns nothing
Parameter-list: comma separated
list, declares parameters
Declarations and statements:
function body (block)
Variables can be declared inside
Functions can not be defined
inside other functions
Returning control
If nothing returned
• return;
• or, until reaches right brace
If something returned
return expression;
Question 1?
Write a program to find factorial of a number n?
main() {
int n,f=0;
printf(“Enter a number”):
printf(“ The factorial is %d”,f);
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