Consider the image of a building given below. This color image is decomposed as Red, Green and Blue images.
Converts RGB values to grayscale values by
forming a weighted sum of the R, G, and B components:
0.2989 * R + 0.5870 * G + 0.1140 * B
age, the white represents the highest
concentration of pure red values. As red becomes mixed with green or blue, gray
pixels appear. The black region in the image shows pixel values that contain no
red values, i.e., R == 0.
Fig. 1
that each separated color plane in the figure contains an area of white. The
white corresponds to the highest values (purest shades) of each separate color.
For example, in the Red Plane image, the white represents the highest
concentration of pure red values. As red becomes mixed with green or blue, gray
pixels appear. The black region in the image shows pixel values that contain no
red values, i.e., R == 0.
Fig. 2 Grayscale Image of 1.a
The histogram of the image is shown below
Fig.3 Histogram of fig.2
We may spread the intensity values over the full
range of the image, a process called histogram equalization. The histogram equalized image is shown below.
Fig.4 Histogram Equalized of fig.2
Fig.5 Histogram of fig.4
Apply the Sobel and Canny edge detectors to
the image and display them.
BW1 = edge(I,'sobel');
Fig. 6 Edges of fig 2 detected using Sobel method
Secondly Canny edge detection is tried.
Fig. 6 Edges of fig 2 detected using Canny method
most powerful edge-detection method that edge provides is the Canny method. The
Canny method differs from the other edge-detection methods in that it uses two
different thresholds (to detect strong and weak edges), and includes the weak
edges in the output only if they are connected to strong edges. This method is
therefore less likely than the others to be fooled by noise, and more likely to
detect true weak edges
1. Image
restoration is the
2. MPEG stands for
3. Basic unit of a
picture is called
4. Quantization
error is called --------------------------
5. ------------------
is a fast method to find 2D –Fourier transforms.
6. Low pass
filtering is used for image
a) smoothing, b)sharpening, c)masking,
7. Region growing
is employed for
8. A high pass
filter =original
( a)LPF, b) BDF, c) BSF, d) high boost filter)
9. Overshoot
effects of bright bands in dark region and dark bands in bright region of human
eye perception are called ------------------- effect.
11. MPEG is an
-------------------------- standard.
12. For processing
of an image which Fourier transform is used?
a)1-D, b) 2-D).
a)1-D, b) 2-D).
13. Thresholding is
a method used for
(image enhancement, image restoration,
image segmentation, image compression).
14. What is
histogram? What information it gives?
15. What is region
16. Define 2D-DFT.
List any two properties of 2D-DFT.
17. What are
smoothing filters? Explain.
18. Briefly explain
edge detection.
19. Explain the
relevance of image thresholding.
20. Explain image segmentation.
21. Show that
crispened image can be obtained by convolving it with matrix
5 -1
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